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Law Practice:

   Owner-Sole Member of the Law Office of Ruben E Acosta, LLC, with the following background and experience: 

1. Real Estate Law:  17 years in real estate law including residential and commercial real estate closings for both existing units and new construction. Represent and advise clients in the drafting of purchase and sale agreements, title report review, due diligence checks, the release of liens affecting marketable title, negotiating early occupancy agreements, dealing with contract breaches, drafting and enforcing leases with option to purchase, releasing mechanic liens, co-tenancy, restrictive covenants, etc. I have also represented clients purchasing or selling distressed properties (REO's, foreclosed, short sales), loan modifications, and transactions involving the subordination of interest.

2. Administrative Law:     Extremely familiar with the following matters within the administrative process from the investigation through the hearing and appeal stage; unemployment compensation, discrimination-civil rights, prohibited practice charges, wage and hour issues, sexual harassment, light duty and disability and others.   

3. Labor & Employment Law:  Previous experience negotiating and administering collective bargaining agrements. Previous experience drafting and enforcing individual employment contracts, including non compete clauses. Considerable experience processing grievances and complaint involving terms and conditions of employment. 
4. Franchise Law: Interpretating and enforcing rights under a franchise agreement, arbitrating disputes regarding franchise termination, negotiating and interpretating obligations under a franchise agreement, etc.

5. Education Law: Adjudicating
residency matters, certificate revocation requests, tenure hearings and expulsions. Previous experience with interest arbitration and mediation in educational disputes, including special education due process hearings.