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A. Dispute Resolution

1. Arbitration
Extensive experience in grievance and interest arbitration in cases for union and non union employees in the manufacturing, insurance and municipal sectors. Extensive experience in disciplinary cases involving terminations and long term suspensions. Have heard contract interpretation cases with issues such a compensation, disability, discrimination, layoffs, retirement, sub-contracting, workforce reductions, off duty misconduct, bargaining unit work and others over the last fourteen (14) years.

Arbitrated a substantial amount of disputes involving Franchise Agreement compliance evaluation and reviews, as well as termination of franchise privileges.

2. Case Evaluation & Hearing Officer
Case evaluator for the Federal Aviation Administration and NATCA conducting pre-arbitration case evaluation. Was a hearing officer under contract with the Department of Education and the Department of Social Services. I conduct mediation sessions in employment and civil rights cases.

3. Conflict Management
I consult with individuals and corporations and conduct training in conflict management strategies and techniques connected with a paradigm shift towards inclusiveness, holistic decision making, collaboration and a participatory management model.

B. Civil Rights & Discrimination

Provider of alternative dispute resolution through the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities ("CHRO"), which is a referral agency for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Presiding Hearing Officer for the "CHRO" for eight years including Settlement Hearing Officer assignments. Conducted pre-trial conferences, dealt with Witness Lists, Discovery Orders and objections thereto, Dispositive Motions and on the record hearings. This involved Title VII, Section Section 46a-60, ADEA, ADA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Equal Pay Act. 

Approved provider of sexual harassment training for supervisors required by the "CHRO" through the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women.

Work experience as an EEO paralegal for a Fortune 500 Company, an Attorney, as well as a Human Resource Administrator, which allowed me to  participate in all stages of the "EEOC-CHRO" complaint process, including the investigative, fact finding, pre-hearing and post hearing stages.