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Practical Advice You Can Trust


My clients value my services and confidently refer friends, family and business associates to me. I am accessible, accountable and efficient. I have hands on experience and insight into the issues affecting your employment or business. However, I can also assist you in many other matters.  Call for a consultation and lets discuss your concerns.


Haga contacto con mi oficina para ayudarle. Aunque empleo y negocios son mis areas de concentracion, puedo ayudarle en otras cosas. Mi deseo es servirle.

                                 Drafting Or Enforcement Services:

A. Employment Agreements: these involve non-union employees, high level executives 
                                        or employees at will.
B. Restrictive Covenants:     covenants which establish limitations for the use or
                                        enjoyment  of land inluding Planned Unit Developments.
C. Non Compete Clauses:     clauses outlining post employment limitations in some 
                                        positions with access to business lists, trademarks or
                                        such information.
D. Arbitration Agreements:   agreements requiring arbitration of employment disputes
                                        instead of administrative hearings or the courts.
E. Settlement Agreements:   these outline remedies & obligations
                                        in the settlement of employment disputes or other claims.
F. Indemnification               agreements that provide reimbursement or payment of
   Agreements:                   legal fees and costs when other suffer harm because
                                        of our actions.
G. Last Chance                   terms and conditions of employment of last resort.
H. Purchase/Sale                agreements which stipulate conditions & obligations in
    Agreeements:                real estate transactions.
I. Franchise                       stipulating conditions under which to operate a business
   Agreements                    or franchise.

                          Representation-Consulting Services In Matters Of:

A. Grievance Hearings: disputes with respect to terms & conditions of employment.
B. Fact Finding Conferences: proceedings held by agencies during the investigation of
    complaints or audits.
C. Disciplinary Hearings: proceedings related to penalties due to misconduct
D. Interest Arbitration Proceedings: proceedings involving stalled collective bargaining 
E. Wage & Hour Audits: investigations related to minimum wage/overtime complaints.
F. Unemployment Compensation: hearings involving benefit eligibility determinations or
    appeals of said determinations.
G. Employment Discrimination: matters involving complaints disparate treatment or 
    conduct related illegal discrimination [age, disability, sexual harassment, gender,  
H. Light Duty Accommodations proceeding related to the rights of injured/disabled
    employees returning to work.
I. Misconduct Investigations: proceedings related to alleged misconduct on or off duty.
J. Prohibited Practice Charges. matters before the State Labor Relations Board.
K. Retirement Matters: proceedings relating to credits, final average pay, breaks in
    service, early retirement due to disability, mandatory retirment age and similar   
L. Franchise Terminations or Compliance Review as required under Agreement.